362023 Population and Housing Census (Register-based Census)
- Date2024-07-29
- Count837
352022 Statistics of House Ownership - based on administrative data -
- Date2023-11-14
- Count377
342022 Population and Housing Census (Register-based Census)
- Date2023-07-27
- Count1200
33House Ownership Status in 2021 - Based on Administrative Data -
- Date2023-06-29
- Count306
322021 Statistics of House Ownership
- Date2022-11-15
- Count1029
312021 Population and Housing Census (Register-based Census)
- Date2022-07-28
- Count1431
30Results of the 2020 Population and Housing Census (One-person households, housing status and vacant houses)
- Date2021-12-24
- Count987
29Results of the 2020 Population and Housing Census (Women, Fertility, Children, Internal Migration and Commuting)
- Date2021-11-29
- Count1708
282020 Statistics of House Ownership
- Date2021-11-16
- Count2048
27Results of the 2020 Population and Housing Census (regarding population and households)
- Date2021-09-27
- Count2364