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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • International Migration Statistics

Survey Type

  • Administrative Statistics

Type of Statistics

  • General Statistics (Approval No. 101064)


  • To produce international migration statistics for Koreans and foreigners as basic data to compile the current population and population projections; to use the statistics as basic data required for a manpower supply and demand plan to resolve the issue of lack of labor force driven by the current aging society and low wage industry structure


  • Monthly


  • 1998: Studied the methods of producing migration statistics for Korean and foreign migrants who have migrated for the purpose of settlement by considering their duration of stay, according to『Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration (1998)』
  • 2000: Produced International Migration Statistics for migrants whose duration of stay is longer than 90 days from the data from immigration inspection and immigration form
  • 2004: Approval of producing the statistics under the title, 「International Migration Statistics」(General Statistics No. 10164)
  • 2005: Discontinued the item, 'entrance by destination' for Koreans upon the abolition of disembarkation card to be filled out by Koreans and departure card to be filled out by foreigners (Nov.)
  • 2006: Discontinued the items, destination, occupation, etc. to be filled out by Koreans and foreigners upon the abolition of departure card to be filled out by Koreans and foreigners (Aug.);
  • 2010: Enhanced time-series analysis since 2000 when matching key for individual data and the method to collect data of international migrants improved
  • 2013: Changed publication frequency (annual → monthly)

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • Press releases, reports, data uploading on, online publications

Publication Frequency

  • Monthly and annual

Publication Title

  • Annual Report on the International Migration Statistics for 2019
너비 1640px 이상
너비 1639px - 1180px
너비 768px - 1179px
너비 767px 이하