Survey Name
Survey Type
Type of Statistics
- Designated Statistics (No.101052)
- To provide basic data required for understanding people's life style and quality of life by
measuring how people spend 24 hours
- To provide basic data for establishing various policies related to labor, welfare,
culture and traffic as well as for academic research
Target Population
- Members of sample households, who are 10 years or older (excluding foreigners)
Survey Unit and Target Population Size
- Survey unit: household
- Target population size: 12,435 households (around 29,000 persons)
Survey Reference Period and Date
- 2019 Reference period
- 1st Round: July 19 ~ July 28, 2019 (10 days)
- 2nd Round: Sep. 20 ~ Sep. 29, 2019 (10 days)
- 3rd Round: Nov. 29 ~ Dec. 8, 2019 (10 days)
- Sep. 1999: The first survey
- Sep. 2004: The second survey
- March and Sep., 2009: The third survey
- July, Sep. and Dec., 2014: The fourth survey
- July, Sep. and Dec., 2019: The fifth survey
Data Provision
Method of Publication and URL
- News releases, data on KOSIS (https://kosis.kr)
Publication Frequency
Publication Title
- Report on the Time Use Survey
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