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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • National Transfer Accounts

Survey Type

  • Analytic Statistics

Type of Statistics

  • Designated Statistics (Approval No. 101085)


  • To provide information on the flows of economic resources among age groups by measuring intergenerational economic transfers while maintaining consistency with the System of National Accounts and reflecting changes in population structure

Survey items

  • Age profile of macro control (Total/per person), age profile of life cycle deficit (Consumption - Labor income), age profile of public and private transfer, age reallocation of public and private asset


  • Annual


  • 2018: Approved as national statistics on April 18, 2018 (No. 101085)
  • 2019: Released the results of the 2015 National Transfer Accounts on January 22, 2019
  • 2019: Released the results of the 2016 National Transfer Accounts on December 9, 2019
  • 2020: Released the results of the 2017 National Transfer Accounts on December 7, 2019

Compilation Process

  • Collect micro data as basic data (Household Income and Expenditure Survey, Workplace Panel Survey, National Health Insurance Survey, Education Statistics, etc.) and macro data (National Account, Population Projections, etc.) -> Data processing -> Result analysis -> Data dissemination

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • Press releases, website (, publications

Publication Frequency

  • Annual

Publication Title

  • National Transfer Accounts
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