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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • Mining and Manufacturing Survey

Survey Type

  • Survey statistics

Type of Statistics

  • Designated statistics (Approval No. 101009)


  • To provide basic data required for setting up economic policies and for industrial research activities by understanding the structure, distribution and business activities of the mining and manufacturing industries
  • To provide basic data required for producing GDP, GRDP and inter-industry relation tables
  • To provide population data for the Monthly Survey of Mining and Manufacturing
  • To provide data for establishing management plans of enterprises, universities and research institutes or for research activities


  • Annual

Target Population

  • Establishments with at least 10 employees workers which are located in Korea and fall into the category of「B. Mining」 and 「C. Manufacturing」 according to the Korean Standard Industrial Classification

Survey Unit and Target Population Size

  • Survey unit: Establishments
  • Target population size: 75,000

Survey Reference Period and Date

  • Survey reference period: Jan. 1 ~ Dec. 31
  • Reference date: Dec. 31


  • Approved to compile the statistics in April 1968
  • The first survey was carried out by the Bank of Korea in May 1968 in order to collect data for the interim year and supplementary data for the census.
  • Transferred the Survey to the National Bureau of Statistics of the Economic Planning Board (the former Statistics Korea) in April 1970 from the 2nd survey (as of 1969) and carried out it every year except when Industrial Censuses take place.
  • Changed the Korean title of the survey in May 2002
  • Changed the Korean title of the survey in Oct. 2008

Survey Item

  • Type of legal organization, number of workers, annual wages, annual value of shipment, operating expenses, values of inventories, tangible assets

Data Collection Method

  • Interviewing survey and non-interviewing survey (fax, e-mail, phone, internet survey)

Survey System

  • Statistics Korea ↔ local governments('Si'·'Do' / 'Si'·'Gun'·'Gu') / Regional Offices of Statistics (District Offices of Statistics) ↔ enumerators ↔ establishments

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • Method of publication: Press releases (preliminary results), publication of reports and KOSIS (Korean Statistical Information Service) data loading URL:

Publication Frequency

  • Annual

Publication Title

  • Publication title: Report on the Mining and Manufacturing Survey (National, regional)
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