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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • Survey on the Status of Fish Culture

Survey Type

  • Survey statistics

Type of Statistics

  • Approved statistics (Article 18 of the Statistics Act and Article 24 of the Enforcement Decree, Approval No. 123023)


  • To provide basic data necessary for making fishery policies, making decisions on the management of fishery households and making fishery-related negotiations by surveying major species of fish culture, fish culture facilities, the amount of planted fry, production and the amount of inputted feed


  • Half-annual

Target Population

  • Fishery households and businesses in the country which produce fish culture at fish culture facilities on the sea and land

Survey Unit and Target Population Size

  • Fishery households or businesses (around 1,800 units)

Survey Reference Period and Date

  • Reference period
    • Current sector: 1st to the last day of each month
    • Half-annual sector: First half (last day of June), second half (last day of December)
  • Survey period
    • Current sector: 1st to 15th day of each month
    • Half-annual sector: First half (July 1st to 20th), second half (January 1 to 20th day of the following year)


  • May 2003: Carried out a pilot survey to grasp the production of fish culture by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
  • April 2004: Approved the survey titled "Survey of Fish Culture Production Facilities" as official government statistics
  • Sep. 2005: The survey title was changed from the Survey of Fish Culture Production Facilities to the Survey on the Status of Fish Culture.
  • 2006: The survey periodicity was changed from annual to monthly. Published a survey outcome from April.
  • Oct. 2008: Changed the Korean survey title
  • 2009: The survey frequency changed from monthly to quarterly.
  • 2010: Changed the Korean title of the statistical production division
  • 2011: The survey and publication frequency changed to be a half year basis.
  • 2017: Changed the title of the statistical production division from the Agriculture and Fisheries Statistics Division to the Short-Term Agriculture and Fisheries Statistics Division

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • Media release, Statistics Korea webpage (, KOSIS (

Publication Frequency

  • Half-annual

Publication Title

  • Survey on the Status of Fish Culture
너비 1640px 이상
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너비 767px 이하