Survey Name
- Wage Employment Position by Industrial Classification
Survey Type
- Analytic statistics
Type of Statistics
- General Statistics (Approval No. 101088)
- To establish job-related policies by identifying job changes and types on a quarterly basis
- To provide basic data that can be used when job seekers select their job
- Quarterly
Survey Reference Period and Date
- Survey reference period: quarterly
- Reference date: Mid-month of each quarter (1 month)
- Dec. 2017: Decided to improve job-related statistics of employment positions (including the development of employment positions by industry) at the 4th Job Committee
- Aug. 2018: Reported the results of developing statistics of wage positions
- March 2019: Disseminated the results of "Wage Employment Positions in the Third Quarter of 2018“
- 2019~2021: Disseminated statistics of "Wage Employment Positions" on a quarterly basis
Compilation Objects
- Wage workers who reported at least one of social insurance or payment statements of daily workers while being engaged in production activities as of the survey reference date
- Excluding wage workers or non-wage workers who can't be identified with administrative data
Compilation Method
- Build an administrative data DB (DB of workers + DB of establishments) to build a DB for the statistical production of wage employment positions, create raw data and produce statistical tables through statistical processing
- Method to calculate wage employment positions: By dividing the number of days worked in one month at the same establishment by the total number of days (Working days / Total days)
Data Provision
Method of Publication and URL
- Media (Press releases), Statistics Korea webpage (https://kostat.go.kr), KOSIS (Korean Statistical Information Service) (https://kosis.kr)
Publication Frequency
- Quarterly
Publication Title
- Wage Employment Position by industrial Classification