Survey Name
Survey Type
Type of Statistics
- General statistics (No. 101082)
- To provide tailor-made statistical information which is needed to cope with economic and
social changes including low fertility and population aging by identifying marriage,
childbirth, child care, economic activity and housing situation of newly married couples
Target Population
- Nationwide newlyweds' households, individuals (husbands, wives, children)
Survey Reference Period and Date
- Reference date: November 1st
- First statistical compilation in 2016, which was titled as 2015 Newlyweds Statistics
- Separately released “The Longitudinal Analysis of Newlyweds Statistics” as of Apr. 25 2021
Data Provision
Method of Publication and URL
- Press releases, data uploading on KOSIS (https://kosis.kr)
Publication Frequency
너비 1640px 이상
너비 1639px - 1180px
너비 768px - 1179px
너비 767px 이하