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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • National Balance Sheets

Survey Type

  • Analytic Statistics

Type of Statistics

  • Designated Statistics (Approval No. 920013)


  • To understand each economic unit and net assets (national wealth) by measuring the values of financial and non-financial assets and liabilities; to improve the levels of the measured net amounts in national income statistics including net production, net income, net savings, etc. through calculating consumption of fixed capital.


  • Annual


  • Nov. 21, 1968: Approval for the production of statistics
    • National Wealth Survey: carried out in 1968, 1977, 1987 and 1997 (10 year cycle)
  • Oct. 19, 2007: Approval for the changes in the statistical production
    • Decennial survey statistics ⇒ Annual analytic statistics
  • Oct. 27, 2008: Approval for the changes in the statistical production
    • Changed the survey title: National Wealth Survey ⇒ National Wealth Statistics
  • May 8, 2014: Approval for the changes in the statistical production
    • Statistics title (National Wealth Statistics ⇒ National Balance Sheets, survey organization (KOSTAT ⇒ KOSTAT and BOK); scope(non-financial assets⇒financial and non-financial assets and financial liabilities); implementation of the 2008 SNA and reflection of revised base year, etc.

Compilation Timing

  • By asset: fixed assets and inventory assets (1970~); non-produced assets (1995~)
  • By institutional sector: net capital stock (produced assets, 1970~; non-produced assets, 1995~), productive capital stock (1970~)
  • By economic activity: net capital stock (1970~), productive capital stock (1970~)

Assets subject to Projection

  • Produced assets: construction assets, facilities assets, intellectual property products, inventories
  • Non-produced assets: land assets, underground resources, timber assets
  • Financial assets and financial liabilities: cash currency and deposits, insurance and pension, etc.

Compilation Process

  • Collect base data such as gross fixed capital formation, officially assessed land price, stumpage price and area, etc.
  • Estimate projection parameters and related functions such as life of duration, abandonment model and age-price function
  • Estimate assets by applying integral capital measurement method, price and quantity method and net present value method

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • Press releases, data loading on websites (KOSTAT ( and BOK)
  • KOSTAT's KOSIS (, and BOK's ECOS

Publication Frequency

  • Annual

Publication Title

  • Replaced by press releases
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