Survey Name
Survey Type
Type of Statistics
- General statistics (Approval No. 101091)
- To provide basic data necessary for employment and future job support policies by
identifying workers' job movement paths from various angles
Survey Reference Period and Date
- Reference period (date): December every year (12.1-31.)
- For those who worked in December of each year, comparative analysis through panel
linkage between the base year and the comparative year
- Jul. 9, 2020: Approved as national statistics
- Wrote a plan to develop the administrative statistics for Wage and Salary Employment
Position Statistics in Oct. 2011
- Sep. 24, 2020: Released "Job-to-Job Flows (2018)" for the first time
Compilation Objects
- Main jobs of employees (registered employed) over 15 years of age registered in
administrative data such as social insurance and national tax data
- Regardless of the type of job, wages and non-wage workers, public officials,
faculty, etc. are also included.
Compilation Method
- Select main jobs for each registered employment from the Job Administration DB and compare
jobs between reference points to create the status of movement.
Data Provision
Method of Publication and URL
- Press releases and data uploading to KOSIS (https://kosis.kr/)
Publication Frequency
Publication Title
- Results of Job-to-Job Flows (2018)
너비 1640px 이상
너비 1639px - 1180px
너비 768px - 1179px
너비 767px 이하