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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.



Leading the development of national statistics, producing reliable statistics and
providing statistical information to economic entities


Leading national policies and designing the future of the people
through building open statistical hubs


  • Lead the development of national statistics by improving institutional infrastructure for statistical production

  • Strengthen statistical production and statistical utilization through data hubs and open platforms

  • Support national policies by producing statistics to meet ever-changing statistical demand

  • Strengthen cooperation and collaboration networks within and outside Statistics Korea, and enhance statistical expertise


Key words

  • Central statistical agency
  • Development of national statistics
  • Reliability (accuracy, timeliness, usefulness)
  • Coordination, production and dissemination of national statistics
  • Production of high-quality statistics and improvement in the quality of official statistics
  • Protection of privacy of individuals and information of businesses


  • Statistics Korea coordinates, produces and disseminates national statistics in a decentralized statistical system.
  • Through statistical coordination activities, Statistics Korea manages the quality of national statistics to lead the development of official statistics.
  • Statistics Korea will be a central statistical agency that Koreans trust by improving the quality of statistics produced by Statistics Korea.
  • Statistics Korea carries out a mission to provide useful statistics to economic entities.


Key words

  • Scientific basis, statistical hubs, building, convergence, openness & sharing
  • Decision of national policies, people's lives, design


  • Not only Statistics Korea but also governmental and public agencies produce official statistics.
  • Statistical users are all economic entities such as enterprises and individuals as well as governmental agencies, which establish, enforce and evaluate national policies.
  • Statistics Korea provides users with open services by integrating not only statistics produced by Statistics Korea but also various administrative data and statistics produced by governmental agencies, public agencies or private organizations, and by building statistical hubs.
  • Statistics Korea contributes to making rational national policies by providing scientific basis, and helps Koreans design their future by providing essential data for decision making.

Core strategies


  • First, Statistics Korea improves institutional infrastructure for statistical production and leads the development of national statistics by strengthening planning and coordination activities of national statistics, establishing legal basis for sharing, standardizing and utilizing administrative data, improving the quality of national statistics, revising samples and establishing efficient statistical production environment.
  • Second, Statistics Korea builds data hubs and open platforms, and enhances statistical production and utilization by opening national statistics to users, expanding integrated services and providing customized services through convergence of statistical data.
  • Third, Statistics Korea produces statistics to meet changing statistical demand and supports national policies by improving statistical production environment, developing statistics customized for policy making, reflecting statistical reality, providing regional statistics and building up capability of local governments.
  • Fourth, Statistics Korea strengthens cooperation and collaboration networks within and outside Statistics Korea, and enhances statistical expertise by carrying out research to cope with future statistical environment, expanding training activities to increase statistical capability, strengthening international cooperation to nurture global statistical leaders and carrying out active promotion to improve the reliability of national statistics.
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