Survey Name
Survey Type
Type of Statistics
- To understand birth, death, marriage and divorce, which are the basic causes of change in
the population size and population structure of Korea
Target Population
Survey Unit and Target Population Size
- Korean nationals residing in or outside Korea who reported their birth, death, marriage and
divorce status
Survey Reference Period and Date
- Reference period: the first day to the last day of each month
- Data collection period: the first day to the last day of the following month
- A family registration system began in the Shilla Dynasty.
- Systemization into the current type of family registration system by the establishment and
announcement of Register Law in 1909 (3rd year of Yunghui, Joseon) and Joseon ordinance on
civil affairs in 1912
- Establishment of regulations for Joseon Vital Statistics by Joseon Governor General in 1937
(No. 161)
- 1948~55: Produced statistics with Vital Statistics questionnaires different from the form of
register by the National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Public Information Agency
- 1962: Statistics Law and Vital Statistics regulation (ordinance by the Economic Planning
Board) established and announced
- 1970: Integrated register report items and Vital Statistics items
- 1980: Began issuing annual report for Vital Statistics (containing data from 1970 to 1979)
- 1982: Began issuing annual report for the cause of death statistics
- Aug. 1997: Used local input method with the development of Vital Statistics report system
- 1999: Annual report for Vital Statistics restructured to publish separate volumes
of「overall, birth and death」and「marriage and divorce」
- Jan. 2004: Converted the report system of Vital Statistics into the Web-based report system
- Dec. 2007: Enacted the regulation of Vital Statistics (No. 591)
- Jan. 2008: The family register system changed to the family relations registration system;
converted to C/S-based vital events registration input system
- Nov. 2011: Produced Vital Statistics of Immigrants based on data from Vital Statistics and
family relations registration data
- May 2014: Amended the regulation of Vital Statistics (No. 425)
- Dec. 2016: Partially amended the Statistics Act (No. 14467)
- July 2017: Partially amended the regulation of Vital Statistics (No. 629)
- Jan. 2018: Revision of Registration Form of Vital Statistics
Data Provision
Method of Publication and URL
- Press releases, reports, website (https://kosis.kr), online publications
Publication Frequency
Publication Title
- Annual Report on the Vital Statistics [marriage and divorce statistics in March / birth and
death statistics in Oct.]
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