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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • Food Grain Consumption Survey

Survey Type

  • Survey statistics

Type of Statistics

  • Designated Statistics (Approval No. 101049)


  • To provide basic data required for the establishment of agricultural policies, such as to plan for grain supply, improve dietary life, establish production goals and carry out research on food problems


  • Household: Monthly
  • Establishment: Annual

Target Population

  • Household: General households excluding foreign resident's household, and collective households (dormitory, jail, barracks, etc.)
  • Establishment: Food and beverage manufacturers using rice as a main ingredient

Survey Unit and Target Population Size

  • Household: 1,540 households (640 farm households, 900 non-farm households)
  • Establishments: Around 2,864 establishments such as food and beverage manufacturers

Survey Reference Period and Date

  • November 1st of a previous year ~ October 31st of a current year (food grain year)


  • 1962: The first survey by the Grain Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on the basis of the results of the 1960 Population Census
  • 1969~1993: Carried out 8 times of redesigning samples
  • 1997: Redesigned samples using data from the 1995 Population and Housing Census and Agricultural Census
  • July 1998: Changed production organizations (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry → National Statistical Office)
  • 2008: Redesigned samples using data from th-e 2005 Population and Housing Census and Agricultural Census
  • Nov. 2011: Included rice consumption of establishments by approving changes in the food grain consumption survey
  • 2018~2019: Expanded the sample size to a total of 1,540 households (640 farm households and 900 non-farm households) according to the sample revision of the Farm Household Economy Survey, and the Household Income and Expenditure Survey

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • News release, Statistics Korea webpage (, KOSIS (, online publications

Publication Frequency

  • Annual

Publication Title

  • 20** Food Grain Consumption Survey Report
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