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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • The Survey of Rice Price in Producing Area

Survey Type

  • Survey statistics

Type of Statistics

  • Approved statistics (Approval No. 101079)


  • To provide data needed when setting out the target rice price in 『Act on Preservation of Income from Rice Production』, calculating the average rice price during the rice-harvesting period for direct payment and calculating purchase price of public rice reserve according to 『Crop Management Act』 (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) and to provide price information needed for shipment and trading to rice-producing farming households, distribution enterprises and consumers


  • Every ten days

Target Population

  • Rice
    • The latest year's shipping price of a survey respondent's representative rice brand (if there is no brand, price per 20kg of package will be used) (* excluding retail sales)
    • Shipping price per package (20kg)

Survey Unit and Target Population Size

  • Around 370 RPC, DSC and milling plants

Survey Reference Period and Date

  • Reference date: 5th, 15th and 25th of a month
  • Data collection period: The next day of a reference date (If a survey day is a holiday, survey will be done in the next day.)


  • 1976: Carried out the first survey (NongHyup)
  • Sep. 30, 1996: The survey covered 138 Si & Gun.
    • (Surveyor) The Agriculture Statistical Office surveyed 121 Si & Gun and NongHyup covered 17 Si & Gun.
  • Dec. 2, 1999: Changed a survey method of calculating rice price in producing area
    • (Surveyor) National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service (104 Si & Gun), NongHyup (24 Si & Gun)
    • (Survey Method) Surveyed unhulled rice price (40kg) of 5 business entities by region for a 5 day period
    • (Input survey data after converting to unhulled rice in case of trading milled rice)
    • * NongHyup daily surveyed milled rice price (80kg) in 24 Si & Gun.
  • Oct. 23, 2002: Improved the survey system of rice price in producing area (The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)
    • National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service carried out the survey for a 5 day period.
    • Surveyed milled rice around a year. Surveyed unhulled rice from Sep. to Apr. of the next year.
    • (Survey Standard) Surveyed 20kg of milled rice and 40kg of unhulled rice
    • (Surveyed Price) Price received by farming houses (milled rice) → Representative shipping price of survey respondents
  • Nov. 6, 2003: Improved survey method
    • (Period) 10 days from Feb. to Aug. (5th, 15th and 25th day)
  • Jan. 26, 2005: The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry improved the survey method of rice price in producing area.
    • Improved a survey method in case of no sales and steady price of unhulled rice
  • Sep. 12, 2005: Improved the survey method of rice price in producing area (Income Management Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)
    • (Survey period) Simultaneously surveyed new and old rice. October → September~October
    • Apply the price of arithmetic mean of survey respondents
    • Modified the criteria of processing “steady price" and "no sales"
  • Nov. 25, 2005: Improved survey method
    • Modified site survey date and data input time
  • May 2006: Improved survey method (Agriculture Data Statistics Division )
    • Modified ways to survey no transaction day and data input time
  • Sep. 2007: Established new system to survey rice price in producing area
  • March 2008: The survey was transferred from the National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service to the Statistics Korea.
    • Agriculture and Fisheries Statistics Division
  • Sep. 2008: Modified survey period. 5th, 15th and 25th day of a month
  • Nov. 20 09: Established the system to survey rice price in producing area
  • April 2012: Improved the method to select whom to survey and calculate a price
    • Modified the method to calculate average price in the country
    • Brand survey. Clarify exceptional cases. Set the criteria of steady price
  • June 2013: Approved as an official statistics (No. 10179)
  • July 2016: Improved the methods to select a sample for the Survey of Rice Price in Producing Area
    • DSC of NongHyup and the private sector: Changed from a complete enumeration to a sample enumeration
    • DSC milling plants distributing a specific annual amount are included to a complete enumeration group.
    • Changed a sampling method from random sampling to systematic sampling
    • Expanded survey areas to 120 cities and counties

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL


Publication Frequency

  • Every ten days (Disseminate survey results in the next day of a survey date. In case of holidays, survey results will be published on the next day.)
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