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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • Agricultural and Livestock Production Cost Survey

Survey Type

  • Survey statistics

Type of Statistics

  • Designated statistics (Approval No. 101043)


  • To provide basic data needed for agricultural and livestock policies and researches


  • Annual

Target Population

  • [Agricultural Products]
    • Out of the total sample farm households (2,600), those who produce over a certain amount of the target crops for the production cost survey
      • (Paddy rice) over 1,980㎡
      • (Beans) over 990㎡
      • (Pepper and garlics) over 660㎡
      • (Onions) over 330㎡
  • [Livestock]
    • (7 types of livestock) Korean native cattle beef breeding cows, Korean native cattle non-beef cattle, beef cattle, dairy cows, hogs, layers, broilers, etc.

Survey Unit and Target Population Size

  • Agricultural products: 1,600 households, livestock: 1,400 households

Survey Reference Period and Date

  • Reference Period: Jan. 1 ~ Dec. 31


  • [Agricultural Products]
    • 1953: The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Bank of Korea jointly produced the 「Rural Area Survey」 in 1953.
    • 1954: The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry independently carried out the survey after dividing the 「Rural Area Survey」 into the 「Farm Household Economy Survey」 and the 「Agricultural Production Cost Survey」.
    • 1962: Designated the survey as the government's official statistics under the Statistics Act.
    • 1962 - 1998: Samples were revised seven times.
      • 1993: 3,140 sample farming households in 314 enumeration districts were selected in order to produce statistics by regions and farming types.
      • Seoul and metropolitan cities were included in the survey areas in 1998 and 2 categories of part-time farming separated by stratifying by type of farming.
    • July 1998: Transferred the survey to the Statistics Korea following the revision of the Government Organization Act
    • 2003: Improved questionnaire and survey guidelines following the (8th) sample revision
    • 2008: Improved questionnaire and survey guidelines following the (9th) sample revision
    • 2009: Changed to the Agricultural and Livestock Production Cost Survey (Statistics Korea Approval No.10143)
      • Jointly compiled the Agricultural (7 kinds of agricultural products, 4 kinds of fruits) Production Cost Survey and the Livestock Production Cost Survey.
    • 2011: Improved survey methodology and questionnaire
    • 2013: Sample revision (10th)
    • 2018: A separate sample design for the Farm Household Economy Survey, and the Agricultural and Livestock Production Cost Survey (Multipurpose sample → Single sample)
  • [Livestock]
    • Sample design in 1995
      • 7 kinds of livestock, 1,500 households (510 households for breeding cows, 219 households for non-beef cattle, 224 households for dairy cows, 212 households for breeding hogs, 131 households for hogs, 114 households for layers and 90 households for broilers)
    • 1996 - 1997: Carried out a pilot survey
    • 1998: Carried out the first survey
    • 1999: Approved the survey as a designated statistic No. 11434
    • 2003: The 2nd sample revision (Seoul National Univ., 6 kinds of livestock, 1,400 households, excluding breeding hogs)
    • 2008: The 3rd sample revision (Seoul National Univ., 7 kinds of livestock, 1,400 households, including beef cattle)
    • March 2008: Transferred the survey to the Statistics Korea
    • 2009: Changed the survey to the Agricultural and Livestock Production Cost Survey (Statistics Korea Approval No. 10143)
      • Jointly compiled the Agricultural (7 kinds of agricultural products, 4 kinds of fruits) Production Cost Survey and the Livestock Production Cost Survey.
    • 2013: The 4th sample revision (Statistics Korea, 7 kinds of livestock, 1,400 households)
      - 420 households for Korean breeding cows, 210 households for Korean beef cattle, 151 households for beef cattle, 160 households for dairy cows, 195 households for hogs, 143 households for layers and 121 households for broilers
    • 2018: The 5th sample revision (Statistics Korea, 7 kinds of livestock, 1,400 households)
      - 420 households for Korean breeding cows, 190 households for Korean beef cattle, 151 households for beef cattle, 160 households for dairy cows, 195 households for hogs, 143 households for layers and 141 households for broilers

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • Media (Press releases), KOSTAT website (, KOSIS (Korean Statistical Information Service) (, publication

Publication Frequency

  • Annual

Publication Title

  • Agricultural Production Cost, Livestock Production Cost
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너비 767px 이하