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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • Economically Active Population Survey

Survey Type

  • Survey statistics

Type of Statistics

  • Designated statistics (Approval No. 101004)


  • The EAPS collects up-to-date information on the status of economic activities (employment, unemployment, labor force, etc.) of the citizens to inform macro-economic analyses and policymaking for workforce development.


  • Monthly

Target Population

  • Members of selected sample households who live in the households and are 15 years old or older (in full)

Survey Unit and Target Population Size

  • Survey unit: Household
  • Target population size: Approx. 36,000 households in 1,791 sample EDs

Survey Reference Period and Date

  • Reference period: One week (seven days, Sun. ~ Sat.) of every month which includes the 15th of the month


  • 1962: Carried out the Economically Active Population Survey (Approved for the production of the statistics)
  • 1982: Changed the survey cycle (monthly)
  • 1999: Adjusted seasonal data and published the unemployed and unemployment rate based on the job-seeking period of 4 weeks (Jun. 1999 ∼ )
  • 2001: Carried out an additional survey by type of employment (once a year)
  • 2002: Carried out an additional survey on youth (once a year)
  • 2005: Carried out an additional survey on the elderly (once a year)
  • 2007: Carried out an additional survey on non-wage workers (once a year)
  • 2008: Changed the survey cycle of an additional survey by type of employment (2 times a year)
  • 2013: Changed the survey cycle of an additional survey on non-wage workers (every 2 even-numbered years)
  • 2014: Published the Supplementary Indicators on Employment (providing data from May 2014)
  • 2016: Carried out an additional survey on the economically inactive population (every 2 odd-numbered years)
  • 2017: Changed the survey cycle of an additional survey by type of employment (once a year)

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • Press releases, KOSIS ( data loading

Publication Frequency

  • Monthly

Publication Title

  • Annual Report on the Economically Active Population Survey (Annual)
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