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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • Fishery Household Economy Survey

Survey Type

  • Survey Statistics

Type of Statistics

  • Designated Statistics (Approval No. 101044)


  • To provide basic data for establishing fishery policies and improving fishery management by grasping trends in fishery household economy and status of fishery management in accordance with economic and social changes


  • Annual

Target Population

  • Households which meet one of the following conditions
    • Those who did fishing vessel fishery, fishery without gear, diving fishery without gear, other fishery, or culture fishery for the purpose of selling their products for at least one month of the previous year
    • Those whose annual sales of the products that they caught or cultured by themselves were at least 1.2 million KRW in the previous year

Survey Unit and Target Population Size

  • 1,000 households

Survey Reference Period and Date

  • Survey reference period: Jan.1 ~ Dec.31


  • Feb. 1963: The first survey was conducted by the Ministry of Fisheries with an aim to understand the economic conditions of fishing villages.
  • Dec. 1963: Transferred the survey to the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative (suspended in 1971)
  • 1972: Recompiled by the Ministry of Fisheries
  • May 1974: Approved as general statistics
  • April 1978: Transferred the survey to the Statistics Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
  • 1983~2008: Sample revision (six times)
  • Sep. 1996: Transferred the survey to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
  • July 1998: Transferred the survey to the Statistics Korea following the revision of the Government Organization Act
  • Dec. 1999: Changed from general statistics to designated statistics
  • Jan. 2011: Improved a questionnaire and survey methodology in line with the plan to improve the Farm and Fishery Household Economy Statistics
  • Jan. 2013: The 7th sample revision

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • Media (Press releases), KOSTAT website (, KOSIS (Korean Statistical Information Service) (, publication

Publication Frequency

  • Annual

Publication Title

  • Fishery Household Economy Statistics
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