Press Releases
- Total
- Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
- Business Trends
- Corporate Business
- Employment and Labour
- Household Economy
- Housing
- Population and Household
- Prices
- Regional Accounts and National Wealth
- Social Statistics
- Transportation
- Woman & Youth
- Wholesale & Retail Trade and Service Industry
- Others
Survey Outline
- Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
- Agricultural Area Survey
- Agricultural and Livestock Production Cost Survey
- Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Survey
- Census of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
- Crop Production Survey
- Farm Household Economy Survey
- Fishery Household Economy Survey
- Fishery Production Survey
- Food Grain Consumption Survey
- Livestock Statistics Survey
- Price Index of Commodities Received and Paid by Farmers
- Statistics on Returned Farmers and Fishermen and Migrators to Rural Regions
- Survey on the Status of Fish Culture
- The Survey of Rice Price in Producing Area
- North Korea’s Rice Cultivated Area Survey
- Business Trends
- Composite Index of Business Indicators
- Index of all Industry Production
- Monthly Estimated Index of Equipment Investment
- Monthly Survey of Construction Orders Received and Value of Construction Completed
- Monthly Online Shopping Survey
- Monthly Service Industry Survey
- Monthly Survey of Mining and Manufacturing
- Monthly Survey of Machinery Orders Received
- Trade by Enterprise Characteristics
- Manufacturing Domestic Supply Index
- Corporate Business
- Employment and Labour
- Health and Society
- Household Economy
- Housing
- Population and Household
- Prices
- Regional Accounts and National Wealth
- Transportation
- Wholesale & Retail Trade and Service Industry
- Others