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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


The report materials of monthly statistical surveys are used for policy establishment and as reference data for management.
Following are the announcement schedules of the report materials for the year.

2024 Schedule


Schedule provides Month, Title, Release date, Production division (82-42-481-)

Month Title Release date Production division (82-42-481-)
Jan . The Economically Active Population Survey in December 2023 Jan. 10 (Wed.) Employment Statistics Division (2265)
Jan . Monthly Industrial Statistics in December 2023 Jan. 31 (Wed.) Short-Term Industry Statistics Division (2161)
Feb . The Consumer Price Index in January 2024 Feb. 02 (Fri.) Price Industry Statistics Division (2531)
Feb . The Economically Active Population Survey in January 2024 Feb. 16 (Fri.) Employment Statistics Division (2265)
Mar . Monthly Industrial Statistics in January 2024 Mar. 04 (Mon.) Short-Term Industry Statistics Division (2161)
Mar . The Consumer Price Index in February 2024 Mar. 06 (Wed.) Price Industry Statistics Division (2531)
Mar . The Economically Active Population Survey in February 2024 Mar. 13 (Wed.) Employment Statistics Division (2265)
Mar . Monthly Industrial Statistics in February 2024 Mar. 29 (Fri.) Short-Term Industry Statistics Division (2161)
Apr . The Consumer Price Index in March 2024 Apr. 02 (Tue.) Price Industry Statistics Division (2531)
Apr . The Economically Active Population Survey in March 2024 Apr. 12 (Fri.) Employment Statistics Division (2265)
Apr . Monthly Industrial Statistics in March 2024 Apr. 30 (Tue.) Short-Term Industry Statistics Division (2161)
May The Consumer Price Index in April 2024 May 02 (Thu.) Price Industry Statistics Division (2531)
May The Economically Active Population Survey in April 2024 May 17 (Fri.) Employment Statistics Division (2265)
May Monthly Industrial Statistics in April 2024 May 31 (Fri.) Short-Term Industry Statistics Division (2161)
Jun . The Consumer Price Index in May 2024 Jun. 04 (Tue.) Price Industry Statistics Division (2531)
Jun . The Economically Active Population Survey in May 2024 Jun. 12 (Wed.) Employment Statistics Division (2265)
Jun . Monthly Industrial Statistics in May 2024 Jun. 28 (Fri.) Short-Term Industry Statistics Division (2161)
Jul . The Consumer Price Index in June 2024 Jul. 02 (Tue.) Price Industry Statistics Division (2531)
Jul . The Economically Active Population Survey in June 2024 Jul. 10 (Wed.) Employment Statistics Division (2265)
Jul . Monthly Industrial Statistics in June 2024 Jul. 31 (Wed.) Short-Term Industry Statistics Division (2161)
Aug . The Consumer Price Index in July 2024 Aug. 02 (Fri.) Price Industry Statistics Division (2531)
Aug . The Economically Active Population Survey in July 2024 Aug. 14 (Wed.) Employment Statistics Division (2265)
Aug . Monthly Industrial Statistics in July 2024 Aug. 30 (Fri.) Short-Term Industry Statistics Division (2161)
Sep . The Consumer Price Index in August 2024 Sep. 03 (Tue.) Price Industry Statistics Division (2531)
Sep . The Economically Active Population Survey in August 2024 Sep. 11 (Wed.) Employment Statistics Division (2265)
Sep . Monthly Industrial Statistics in August 2024 Sep. 30 (Mon.) Short-Term Industry Statistics Division (2161)
Oct . The Consumer Price Index in September 2024 Oct. 02 (Wed.) Price Industry Statistics Division (2531)
Oct . The Economically Active Population Survey in September 2024 Oct. 16 (Wed.) Employment Statistics Division (2265)
Oct . Monthly Industrial Statistics in September 2024 Oct. 31 (Thu.) Short-Term Industry Statistics Division (2161)
Nov . The Consumer Price Index in October 2024 Nov. 05 (Tue.) Price Industry Statistics Division (2531)
Nov . The Economically Active Population Survey in October 2024 Nov. 13 (Wed.) Employment Statistics Division (2265)
Nov . Monthly Industrial Statistics in October 2024 Nov. 29 (Fri.) Short-Term Industry Statistics Division (2161)
Dec . The Consumer Price Index in November 2024 Dec. 03 (Tue.) Price Industry Statistics Division (2531)
Dec . The Economically Active Population Survey in November 2024 Dec. 11 (Wed.) Employment Statistics Division (2265)
Dec . Monthly Industrial Statistics in November 2024 Dec. 30 (Mon.) Short-Term Industry Statistics Division (2161)
Dec . The Consumer Price Index in December 2024 Dec. 31 (Tue.) Price Industry Statistics Division (2531)

*The schedule is subject to change according to internal conditions.

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