Survey Name
Survey Type
Type of Statistics
- Approval statistics (Approval No. 920022, Jun 18, 2019)
- Provide basic data for policy establishment by comprehensively investigating the actual
status of micro enterprises and evaluating the performance of implemented policies of micro
Target Population
- Micro enterprises that carry out industrial activities in 11 major industries representing
micro enterprises;
- Manufacturing, Construction, Wholesale and retail trade, Accommodation and food service
activities, Information and communication, Real estate activities, Professional, scientific
and technical activities, Business facilities management and business support services;
rental and leasing activities, Education, Arts, sports and recreation related services,
Membership organizations, repair and other personal services
Survey Unit and Target Population Size
- Survey unit: Establishment
- Target population size: Approx. 45,000
Survey Reference Period and Date
- Survey reference period: Jan. 1 ~ Dec. 31
- Reference date: Dec. 31st of the previous year
- Carried out the test survey through the Statistics Korea’s Statistical agency system in 2018
- Carried out the first joint survey by the Statistics Korea & the Ministry of SMEs and
Startups in 2019 (Reference year: 2018)
- Carried out the 2nd joint survey by the Statistics Korea & the Ministry of SMEs and
Startups in 2020 (Reference year: 2019)
Survey Item
- 30 items in 4 areas including general status, start-up status, management performance, and
government support & business transition
Data Collection Method
- On-site interviewing method (self-interviewing by respondents) as well as Internet survey
Survey System
- Statistics Korea ↔ Regional Offices of Statistics (District Offices of Statistics) ↔
Enumerators ↔ Establishment
Data Provision
Method of Publication and URL
- Media (Press releases), publications, website (https://kostat.go.kr), KOSIS
Publication Frequency
Publication Title
- Report on Micro-Enterprise Survey
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