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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Statistical Approval System

  • In accordance with the Article 18 of the Statistics Act, statistics agencies must obtain approval from the Commissioner of Statistics Korea for production of statistics on new subject, specifically regarding the matters stipulated in the Presidential Decree such as name of survey, type of statistics, purpose, coverage, method, and data disaggregation by gender.
    • The approval must be obtained also for any changes in already approved matters or for terminating the production of approved statistics.


  • Statistical approval system is aimed at preventing similar or overlapping data production thereby reducing the response burden on the public and eliminating factors that lead to unnecessary use of manpower and budget.
Statistical production agencies should obtain approval of the Statistics Korea when they intend to newly produce statistics or to change the approved matters.
After the Statistics Korea reviews approval request, it may ask statistical production application agencies to supplement data if necessary. In such cases,
application agencies should submit implementation details of supplementation requests. Then the Statistics Korea will decide whether to approve statistical production and notify final decision.
  • In order to ensure reliability of statistics produced and effectiveness of statistical system, the Commissioner of Statistics Korea is entitled to make request to the head of agency producing statistics to make business improvements to statistical production (i.e. suspend/change data production or dissemination) when it is deemed necessary (Statistics Act Article 12).
  • With the advance review of the budget for official statistical production, statistical budget for the central government can be approached from the government-wide perspective to determine the validity of budget request (i.e. priority for statistical development and overlapping data production).
  • Outstanding agencies are identified and rewarded by KOSTAT for best practices in development/improvement and dissemination and use of approved statistics for the past 1 year.
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