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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.




  • 23
    What is the reason for periodic revision of CPI?
  • 22
    What supplementary indicators are available to explain the Subjective Price Index (SPI)?
  • 21
    Why are increase rates different for the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Subjective Price Index (SPI)?
  • 20
    What are the weights used on products in the Consumer Price Survey, and how are they determined?
  • 19
    What is the referent point for population forecast? Is the reference point same for household forecast?
  • 18
    What criteria are used to determine products for the CPI?
  • 17
    What is the difference between the unemployment rate and seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate?
  • 16
    What is mid-year population? What is the purpose of compiling mid-year population and how is it produced?
  • 15
    What is a Consumer Price Index (CPI)?
  • 14
    Why is the unemployment rate low in Korea?
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