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Statistical Terms

Enrollment ratio

  • The number of school-age children by school/class is counted based on: kindergarten (3~5 years of age); elementary school (6~11 years of age); middle school (12-14 years of age); high school (15~17 years of age); higher educational institution (18~21 years of age).
  • Enrollment ratio (%) = (Number of enrolled students in school-ages / Number of school-age children) * 100
  • Since the number of enrolled students is considered when calculating the enrollment ratio regardless of the children's ages, the ratio can be 100% or above.
  • As the most commonly used index to measure national education level, it represents the ratio of the number of actual enrollments to the number of school-age children (mid-year population projection).
Source Korea Educational Development Institute (Analysis of Educational Statistics), KOSTAT
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